Monday, May 22, 2006
Thunderbird Sky has moved to a new blog site
I would prefer these email requests for the new location to be sent to my hotmail account at, so as to prevent possible spam from jamming up my regular email address.
There will be no further posts on this site. If you choose to continue reading our blog, we welcome you to join us at the new location. Both this blog, and "The Other Side?!" have moved.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Lilac Festival - May 28
So, come on out and welcome in the summer with us!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Body, Soul and Spirit Expo - April 21-23
Body, Soul and spirit Expo - April 21-23, 2006
This weekend, Thunderbird Sky will be participating in the Body, Soul and Spirit Expo. This will be our third Expo in the past year, and it promises to be an exciting one. We've teamed up with two other practitioners and are renting two large booths this time around. (booth number 11 & 12)
Our friend, Wendy-Lee Cherbo who has over thiry years of experience as a professional psychic reader, healer and teacher, will be one of our team members. Wendy will also be giving information and selling memberhships to the newly formed Canadian Holistic Professionals Society (CHPS), of which Danard has chosen to be Vice President.
Also joining us, will be a Reiki student and friend of ours, Shaun Gamache, who has been studying Native Shamanism for the past seven years, as well as many other healing and spiritual disciplines. Shaun will be doing readings, reiki sessions and Kathara healing.
Candice and Wendy will each be hosting their own lectures. Candice's lecture is entitled "Energy Healing 101: Transform Your Life, and will discuss the basics of energy healing, how to feel energy, and the benifits. You will also get to experience some fun and easy energy exercises. Wendy's lecture will be a description and demonstration of psychic intuition. She will amaze you at her insight and accuracy.
Lecture Schedule:
Candice: Saturday, April 22 - 11:30am
Wendy: Friday, April 21 - 4:30pm
Saturday, April 22 - 12pm
Sunday, April 23 - 12:30pm
Expo Info:
Location: The Big Four building on the stampede grounds
Hours: Friday -3pm to 9pm
Saturday - 9am to 9pm
Sunday - 10am to 6pm
Hope to see you all there!
Reiki Circles
In other news, as of the weekend after the Expo, we will be resuming our regular weekly Healing circles on Sunday and Tuesday evenings, from 6pm to 10pm. We will also be resuming our Thursday evening Talking circles which start promptly at 7pm and go until 9pm.
That's all the news for now. We hope to see everyone at the show this weekend. There are hundreds of interesting and exciting booths on wholistic healing and spirituality. We always have a lot of fun at these events. Make sure to stop by and say "hello" at booth 11 and 12.
Candice and Danard
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Making a little bit of progress...
I didn't realize when I started this process, just how much I know, about this one topic. And this is only one topic. I have ideas for about 10 other books, all of which will become courses that I will teach. I have a lot of work to do, but it's kinda fun. I get to figure out how exactly I do this intuitive stuff. I do it so naturally now, that I don't even think about it. I've had people ask me how I know these things, and the only answer I've been able to come up with so far is "duh...I don't know...I just do it." Not much of an answer really. So, this process is as good for me as it hopefully will be for my future students.
So...on that note, I'm going to have a contest. Whoever comes up with the best, most cool, funky sounding title for this next book, will get chosen. I'll even credit that person in the "thank you's" in the book. Something besides "how to communicate with your higher self"...borrrriinnngg! Which is all I've been able to come up with so far. Not exactly a "splashy" title that would entice anyone to read further.
Anyhoo. That's me in a nutshell these days. I got as much written yesterday as I could muster up, which was about 2/3 of a chapter...I think. Even though I'm on a break from work, I can't sit around doing absolutely nothing, 24/7. So, I'm keeping myself busy when I start getting antsy, or my back is hurting so much from laying in bed or on the couch, that I can't stand it anymore, lol.
Okay. That's all for now. Gonna go see if I can get creative and do some writing now.
Stay Tuned,
Friday, March 31, 2006
Hmmm...gotta think of ways I can save more money.
Stay Tuned,
Monday, March 20, 2006
Back Online on the Other Side
Friday, March 17, 2006
Day 8...
Yet another night of not being able to sleep very well. This is becoming a very nasty habit. For about...oh...I'd say 2 months now, I go to bed at night, I do sleep, but I wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when I went to bed. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm lucky if I feel rested once a week. The rest of the time, I feel like a walking zombie.
This whole 30 day goal seems to be going nowhere fast (see The Other Side for details of the 30 day goal). Even the idea that I might be able to drop down to part time, seems pretty much like an impossible feat. Maybe if I had the time to work on my taxes, which may give me a fair amount of money back to me, seems like a far distant reality. Hmmm...maybe I should be working on that right now, rather that sitting here and avoiding the things I need to do. My goal was to have all my receipts organized by this Sunday. Where am I now with that? Haven't even started. In fact, I haven't even looked at the file folder they're sitting in.'s decided. As soon as I get off the computer, I'm going to go get those stupid receipts, and start organizing. If I don't get it done by the time I have to leave for work, then I'll work on it as soon as I get home tonight. And lucky me...I put in for early leave tonight, so I'm off at 6pm. So, no excuses. If I really want to change my reality, I'd better start doing something about it in terms of the money part of it. I really want to find out how much I'll be getting back from revenue canada.
Last year I got $1275. I'm thinking I'll get more this year, because of the fact that about $550/month gets taken off my paycheck for taxes. I didn't start this job until August of last year, with the prior 2 months having hardly any work at the previous job. I wouldn't have made enough money overall last year, for them to take that much money from me. Between that, and a lot of money was spent on trying to build the business. So, that could mean a huge return...I hope! I'm budgeting for only $1000, in terms of my money saving goal though, just to be conservative, so that I'm not disappointed if I get way less that what I'm hoping for.
Okay. That's all I have to say for this morning. Time to go have breakfast.
This post should be on The Other Side, but due to technical difficulties...
Anyhoo. I'll make my post here, that I was planning on putting on The Other Side.
I think I'm on day 7 of the "changing my reality" series. I don't seem to be too good at keeping on top of things with my posts over there, or here for that matter. My "excuse" you ask? Well, when ya get home from work after dealing with crabby customers all day, who wants to sit in front of the computer any longer?
But, enough of that. Complaining won't get me anywhere, lol. Onward and Upward...
We left off with our last episode where Danard and Candice having just had a long meeting with Wes and Angela about web marketing. Ugh! All I can say is that it seems as if the more information that I get on this whole subject, the more confused and frustrated I get. Sometimes, I really wish that I could live in the whole "ignorance is bliss" mentality, because sometimes, I really think it would be easier. But alas, we're trying to run a business, so I guess I have to give in and just go with it, and learn as much as I can.
We're looking forward to our next meeting on Sunday with my good friend and fellow blogster, Leigh, from The Spinning Pen (have I mentioned that she's a fabulous writer yet? If not, I say Go See Her Blog!!!She's great!!! )
Danard and I are meeting with her because she has agreed, unless we really un-impress her on Sunday, on a trade of services. We provide her with relaxation and readings and stuff of that nature, and she provides us with much needed HELP in the marketing of our little baby called Thunderbird Sky. I actually ran into her at work the other day, which considering the size of our office, is amazing, as she was temping as team manager while ours was in training. She gave me a slight hint on what she's going to be presenting to us on Sunday. Something about a 3 pronged marketing plan, as she gets this...mischievious yet excited look on her face that made her look like she had the secret to the universe in her back pocket. I'm hoping she really does! So, needless to say, I'm very intrigued as to what she has up her lovely little sleeve, and how it may possible have an influence as to if and how I can quit my day job. Maybe she's suddenly morphed into somethine like a genie in a bottle, and is about to grant us all our greatest wishes! Hmmm...what would I wish for, besides the obvious, of course? I need to think about that one for a while...
So...we'll be giving her a session - a reading and a reiki - what we've lovingly nicknamed the "R 'n R", to not only help her do some needed relaxin' that she needs, but to give her an idea of just what it is that we have to offer the world, and why it needs to get out there to the masses, and all the movie stars and rock stars of the world! ---I only hope that we're really THAT good...hehe.
So, who knows, maybe there's hope yet for us, and in particular with this obsession that I have with not wanting to be stuck at a day job that makes me crazy, for the rest of my life. Maybe I can keep my sanity in tact for a little while longer. Maybe Superman and Batman really exist and are standing outside my door, freezing their butts off, waiting to come in for some hot chocolate with big fluffy marshmallows.
Hopefully long enough to survive my hopefully short stint at (Insert company name here...). Oops...too late. I think that was my sanity that just ran out the door a minute ago...
Stay tuned...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I got sidetracked last night...
Please, if anyone has some input on how to make this thing visually "stimulating", please comment or email me. For someone who's really great at designing business cards, logos, doing cool stuff in photoshop, I'm at a loss with the visuals of a good website, even though I've seen a million sites and have a good idea of how they should look. I get in front of my own site and completely draw a put intended...hehe.
In any case. Go, check it out, fill out the guest form. Start a discussion. Send an email. These are about all the things I've enabled so far, because everything else is in creation mode. Ugh, this is a lot of work!
Oh, and I must not forget. If you decide to use these guys also (which so far, I highly recommend, tell them I referred you (of course, tell them my REAL name...Candice Creelman) cuz there's a referral program. But wait until my free trial is done, as I don't get credit until I'm a paid member. Their tech support is amazing. I send a question last night and within 20 minutes, I had a real reply from someone, not just one of those automated responses saying "we'll reply in 48 hrs or less.". I send another one before I logged off last night, and there was a reply this morning, so these guys are really good! Now I just have to talk Danard into us spending $12 / month to become a member. I think it's well worth the money. Go check them out.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
New Blogspace
Soooo...if anyone is interested, they can check out my link to the right to the new addition. It's the one at the top that says "Morgana's Personal Blog Page" (editor's note: now called "The Other Side?!"). Feel free to go check it out.
Okee...that's all for now here on this side. Now I'll go post some stuff on the other side.
Morgana Sacred Walker
Body, Soul and Spirit Expo Website
Please feel free to check us out there and if you have any comments on the ad (things you like, things that would make it better, etc). We would welcome the input.
We're also doing some brainstorming currently about other low cost, but highly effective means of advertising and getting Thunderbird Sky out there so that we can build our business so that it becomes a full time endevour. If anyone has any suggestions for that as well, please let us know. I'm also tryingn to learn how to build a full fledged website. If anyone has any tips for that PLEASE call or email me. I feel like I'm drowing in my "learning curve". Also, if anyone would like to actually help us with building a site and is willing to do it on a trade basis, we're very open to that as well. We could trade sessions, readings, and / or classes for a website.
In other news, Danard and I had an interesting conversation on the weekend on this whole marketing thing. I learning something very interesting about just what exactly it is that we do here at Thunderbird Sky. I learned that a great portion of what we have to offer is something called Medical Intuition. For years, I thought that meant that you intuitive "diagnose" physical dis-ease in the body. What I've since found out, is that it's much more than that, and it's also what we do.
Medical Intuition is the ability to sense what is going on, on a mental, emotional, spiritual level that can affect the physical body. For example, if someone is very stressed, and out of touch with their emotions, it can have an effect on the physical heart. So, we've now decided to incorporate that into our advertising and marketing as something that we offer. It's an ability that few healers either have, or are willing to advertise, so this makes us rather unique. I thought this was pretty cool, when I learned this, as I thought it was something way beyone my scope as a healer. Pretty darn special, if you ask me.
This might be an interested topic of conversation to start, if anyone has any interest in chatting about what medical intution means to you. If you have any comments on this topic you would like to bring, please feel free.
Anyway. Time for this kid to hit the sack, as it's after midnight, and I'm already morphing into a pumpkin as we speak! Talk to you all later...g'night!
MorganaSacred Walker
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Under the Weather
After all the major healing work that was done on me on Saturday, I decided that wasn't enough, lol! Monday night, there was a monk from Tibet who was conducting a Tibetan Buddhist ritual called Medicine Buddha. I'd been wanting to get that empowerment for a while now, as it's theorized that Reiki actually originates from that teaching. Hard to describe how I felt afterwards. I can't speak for Danard (he got the empowerment too), but for me, I felt different...somehow, and was actually feeling a little "off kilter" for a few days. Definetely some stuff came up to the surface for healing. Not sure what, even almost a week later. I'm sure I'll find out eventually.
Then on Wednesday night I got a very intense massage treatment. A lot of energy work was done in this treatment. My body did a huge amount of releasing of the physical "stuff" that was held there from emotional / mental blockages...likely stuff that had been release in the other healings that just needed to get out of the physical body.
Of course now, my body is fighting off a flu bug that just doesn't want to go away. It's been in my system for about 6 weeks now - not bad enough most of the time to warrant time off from work or a trip to the doctor, but just bad enough to be really annoying. I took Monday off work because it flared up. Tuesday, I thought I was better, and then since then, it's been creeping back in again. Today I feel "almost" like garbage. Again, not bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, but enough that I'm really stuffy, have a cough, blah blah blah. Argh, I wish this thing would either just kick in full force so I can clear it out of my system quickly and get it over with. Or, would just go away altogether and leave me alone. This inbetween stuff is ridiculous!
If anyone out there feels up to sending some healing, please feel free to do so. That way, maybe I can stand a chance of getting back to myself again so I can at least write posts that aren't about me whining about how "ucky" I feel, lol. (this flu seems to be affecting my brain too, lol)
So, no posts today about anything insightful, or "witty". I'm just going to go spend the day in bed, I think. much for the short post, hehe!
More later...
Morgana Sacred Walker
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Contact Info
Cell Number: (403) 689-5477
Email Address:
Please contact us if you have any other questions, or if you would like to book a class or session.
Reiki Session and Reading Info and Prices

Thunderbird Sky is made up of Reiki Master / Teacher, Candice Creelman, and Reiki Master, Danard Willisko. Combined, we have over15 years of experience as healers, which lends itself greatly to the depth of insight and clarity that we have to offer a client or student. We come from the perspective that ultimately, it is you who has the power to heal yourself, and we can show you the tools and skills needed to make that possible. We believe 150% in showing you how to empower yourself to live your life to it’s fullest potential. We will assist you with healing the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual thought forms that have kept you in a limiting belief pattern, enabling you to expand your awareness to rediscovering your infinite self.
We have a deep understanding on how energy works, how to apply it to your life with very real and simple techniques using the Usui system of Universal Life Energy (Reiki). In addition to Reiki, we work with and teach many other techniques. Using intuition or “6th sense”, we have the ability to sense personal growth opportunities, gifts you have to offer the world, potential life path(s), and what it is you require for your healing. One could compare it to a psychic reading included with a healing session.
We come from a gentle, compassionate perspective, and always have your highest good in our hearts as we bring through this gentle and powerful form of energy healing.
Services We Provide:
Reiki classes and sessions, tarot / life path, communicating with your angels and spirit guides, oracle, intuitive councelling, distant Reiki, Spirit Paintings and photograph readings.
Reiki Sessions: $75 per hour
Medical Intuitive / Tarot or other readings: $120 per hour
Level One Reiki Course: $150
Level Two Reiki Course: $250
Master Level Course: $400
Weekly Reiki Healing and Talking Circle for Practitioners
Time: 6pm to 11pm - ish
Location: Please email or call for info
Cost: Suggested donation of $5
RSVP:, or (403) 828-7395
Other Info:
Please bring light snack - preferrably something healthy.
We start the evening with a native Talking Circle. With the use of a "talking stick", each participant gets an opportunity to speak from their heart on whatever topic they choose. All others remain silent, and listen from their heartspace. If you wish to participate, you must arrive promptly at 6pm.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Busy Weeked!
The show was pretty successful this weekend, for a change. The last bunch of shows that we've done have been pretty depressing, not only in terms of the traffic our booth had, but the show in general. The last one was aweful - TBS only had like 2 clients - as we watched everyone else get bookings. I was really discourage after that show (besides the several before that that we slow too), so I admit, I wasn't too optimistic going into this one.
This weekend it was either steady, or downright busy! We tried an experiment yesterday, that in t theory, should have worked, but really didn't. Danard thought that maybe if we gave a free 3 minute "aura scan", where we can pick up on one or two issues that are ready for healing. That part was great, lots of takers. The problem was, none of them decided to stay, or come back later for a paid session. Today, we ditched that plan and put up a simple, consise sign as to what we do. Lo and behold, we had a lot more customers. We didn't rake in the "big bucks" so to speak, but I think quite a few people will call and either book full sessions, or take a Reiki class.
Dispite the seeming failure of our experiment yesterday, I do feel that a lot of them will end up booking sessions and / or take a class too. I learned a lot too. Mostly that I can do that psychic thing really quickly like that if I set my mind to it. Up to that point, it would take sometimes 10 minutes to get clear info. Yesterday, I was able to do it literally instantly, once I got going.
So, in that way, our experiement was very successful, because I got lots better, or rather got my confidence back. Which, even thought we didn't get paid, that learning was worth it's weight in gold.
I also go a really amazing healing by this lady do I descibe what she does. Not sure, but needless to say, I still feel like I'm adjusting to what was healed, rebalanced, and recalibrated yesterday. She uses this...machine, that "reads" your energy at a Quantum level and imprints it into a vial of what I think is just water. From there, this machine will read your physical body with each system, organ and function and finds out where you're at. For example, your general vitality should be no lower than 100...mine was something like 23. She then does what she does to recalibrate your energy as high is she can get it to go. Mine got up to something like 136 by the time she was done everything.
The second part of what she does, is that she has this table that looks like a regular massage table, except it's quite different. It radiates sound vibrations through your body. Along with that, you listen to these special audio cd's with music and tones. Both funtion to recalibrate mental, emotional, spiritual and physical "stuff"...everything from things going on right now, to past life stuff. By the time I got off the table, I felt like everything in my being had been shifted in a major way. Danard and I bought the full set of 6 cd's to take home. A very good investment, I might add. I listened to one last night. Had weird, sometimes frightening dreams, woke up completely out of sorts. But I think that I was still releasing stuff. I'm feeling more myself now, but yet not. In a good way! Something has definetly shifted for the better. Can't wait to see how that all manifests, but I have a good feeling anyway.
I'm enjoying a little bit of time to myself right now, to listen to my tunes, in front of my computer, typing out my feelings to you all. This gives me a really great incentive to journal more, which I tend to...abandon after a month or 2.
Okay. That's my post for the day. I've rambled on long enough already and need to go crash on the couch for a while. Dern it, I wish we had cable right now! I need to watch TV right now, lol!
Hope all is well in cyberland!
Morgana Sacred Walker
Friday, February 24, 2006
I'm heer!
A friend from work (see her blog called "The Spinning Pen"...she's FABULOUS!) told me all about the blog world and it just sounded so cool, that I had to do something about it finally, so here I am, on a Friday night (you know you have no life when...), waiting for my order of pizza to get her, putting my first post on my very first blog. I feel like such a virgin...hehe, it's been a long time since I've been able to say that without bursting into a fit of hysterics.
I guess I'll start by telling everyone that I hope will eventually visit, a little about myself. Hopefully I won't come across as completely boring and drive everyone away, only to tell everyone in blog world not to come to Thunderbird Sky, cuz they suck! Anyhoo...heerz my intro...
Well. Where does one start when one has had such and exciting life of jetsetting around the world in my own leer (is that spelled right???) jet to fabulous places and expensive restaurants, hanging out with famous actors and rock stars...oh wait...that was the dream I had last night. Okkkeeee dokeeeyy...back to reality.
As the title suggests (which may change if anyone can suggest something better and more creative) I have an interest in Reiki, and yes...I do readings as well. My "stage name" for the psychic thing is Morgana Sacred Walker. Two seperate names that I were actually gifted to me by spirit.
Actually, I have more than just an interest in this stuff, I'm actually a Reiki Master and Teacher, have been doing readings for a very long time, though only professionally for a couple months. The business I'm building is exactly those things. And of course, the name of my company, who I run with my "other half", Danard, is Thunderbird Sky. In another post, I'll tell y'all the story of how that name came to be. It was really quite a mystical experience actually!
How I got to where I am today...long story, but suffice it to say, what got me on my "spiritual path" was when I hit rock bottom many years ago during a severe depression (at the ripe age of 19) I literally heard a voice in my head that said that I couldn't do that because "you have a big job to do here". Maybe once I get to know everyone better, I'll tell ya more about that. Again, don't want to scare anyone away, before I get going. Since then, I have been on a kind of "mission". When I got onto this path, I really had no idea where it was going much less, where I'd end up, but here I am, having now dedicated my life to hopefully helping a few people.
Danard and I do weird new agey things like have healing circles, send prayers to people we've never met before because they are in a bad place, or just need the help in some way, do psychic readings that make people cry because they've begun to heal a part of themselves that has been with them for a long time, channel what Reiki practitioners call Universal Life Energy, which really is just unconditional love - the most powerful healing force in any universe and the glue that hold everything and everyone together.
My goal, you ask? To one day in the hopefully not too distant future, be able to do this for a living so I an quit my "day job" at Rogers Wireless as a call centre representative. Not that that is a horrible job (I'm being nice but not really what I want to do with the rest of my life. If anyone from work reads this, please don't tell my TM what I just said, or any management, for that matter! lol...for the time being, I need the pay cheque.
What else about me...hmm. I have one cat, an orange and white tabby, named Tibet, who is the biggest suck on the planet, but also a very powerful healer himself. I was born in Newfoundland - adopted at 5 months old, but grew up in Edmonton, Alberta. I moved to Toronto when I was 23 years old, where I got into Reiki, got tired of the TO scene 3 years ago, and then moved here, to Calgary. I absolutely LOVE being this close to the mountains. It gives me so much pleasure to look west and see those glourious peaks, so close you can almost touch them.
I'm also a ski instructor of 17 years, ride a motorbike, am a trained musician - many years of classical voice training, sometimes write songs and poetry, draw, paint (also something I'm incorporating into my psychic work into something I call "spirit paintings"), go camping in the summer, among many, many other things that I love to do. Oh, I've also worked in the film industry in Toronto in a few capacities, and have another aspiration of being able to someday make films (features and documentaries) that all have something to do with spirit and / or healing that the masses would enjoy, not just the new agers of the world.
I'm also a writer. I have been published once, in a book called Indigo Children, by Lee Carroll. (yes, I'm one of those too, if you know what and Indigo is). I wrote a screenplay when I was 16, a stage play when I was 18. Stopped writing for a long time, and have since written 2 other screenplays. No, they haven't been seen on the big screen yet, but someday I hope. One of them hopefully starring Keanu Reeves.
I went to Toronto in April / May of 2004 when His Holiness, The Dalia Lama was there to perform the biggest, and most mind blowing of all the Buddhist rituals, called Kalachakra. That one experience could be a whole blogsite of it's own. Being in the same room (with thousand other people of course) with a man who - what can I say about him that doesn't sound cliche - has changed the face of this planet in the most joyous, compassionate, healing way imaginable. As long as I live, I'll never forget the first day I walked into the trade centre and into the teaching hall. Within seconds of walking into that space, I literally got "hit" with a wave of energy that caused me to break down completely. The love that was in that space was intense. But more about that another time, if anyone is interested. I think I'll end on that note, as I think I need to call the pizza place to find out where my order is. It should have been here already and I'm hungry.
I really, truly hope everyone enjoys this blog. I think this could be an interesting ride. Come and join me and we'll see where this goes!
Morgana Sacred Walker