Well. My first blog ever. If I come across to anyone as an idiot her, please forgive me. I really am not. :0) I've been thinking about putting a blog together for...well...I'd say at least 6 months now, but "gosh-dern-it", never got around to it.
A friend from work (see her blog called "The Spinning Pen"...she's FABULOUS!) told me all about the blog world and it just sounded so cool, that I had to do something about it finally, so here I am, on a Friday night (you know you have no life when...), waiting for my order of pizza to get her, putting my first post on my very first blog. I feel like such a virgin...hehe, it's been a long time since I've been able to say that without bursting into a fit of hysterics.
I guess I'll start by telling everyone that I hope will eventually visit, a little about myself. Hopefully I won't come across as completely boring and drive everyone away, only to tell everyone in blog world not to come to Thunderbird Sky, cuz they suck! Anyhoo...heerz my intro...
Well. Where does one start when one has had such and exciting life of jetsetting around the world in my own leer (is that spelled right???) jet to fabulous places and expensive restaurants, hanging out with famous actors and rock stars...oh wait...that was the dream I had last night. Okkkeeee dokeeeyy...back to reality.
As the title suggests (which may change if anyone can suggest something better and more creative) I have an interest in Reiki, and yes...I do readings as well. My "stage name" for the psychic thing is Morgana Sacred Walker. Two seperate names that I were actually gifted to me by spirit.
Actually, I have more than just an interest in this stuff, I'm actually a Reiki Master and Teacher, have been doing readings for a very long time, though only professionally for a couple months. The business I'm building is exactly those things. And of course, the name of my company, who I run with my "other half", Danard, is Thunderbird Sky. In another post, I'll tell y'all the story of how that name came to be. It was really quite a mystical experience actually!
How I got to where I am today...long story, but suffice it to say, what got me on my "spiritual path" was when I hit rock bottom many years ago during a severe depression (at the ripe age of 19) I literally heard a voice in my head that said that I couldn't do that because "you have a big job to do here". Maybe once I get to know everyone better, I'll tell ya more about that. Again, don't want to scare anyone away, before I get going. Since then, I have been on a kind of "mission". When I got onto this path, I really had no idea where it was going much less, where I'd end up, but here I am, having now dedicated my life to hopefully helping a few people.
Danard and I do weird new agey things like have healing circles, send prayers to people we've never met before because they are in a bad place, or just need the help in some way, do psychic readings that make people cry because they've begun to heal a part of themselves that has been with them for a long time, channel what Reiki practitioners call Universal Life Energy, which really is just unconditional love - the most powerful healing force in any universe and the glue that hold everything and everyone together.
My goal, you ask? To one day in the hopefully not too distant future, be able to do this for a living so I an quit my "day job" at Rogers Wireless as a call centre representative. Not that that is a horrible job (I'm being nice now..lol) but not really what I want to do with the rest of my life. If anyone from work reads this, please don't tell my TM what I just said, or any management, for that matter! lol...for the time being, I need the pay cheque.
What else about me...hmm. I have one cat, an orange and white tabby, named Tibet, who is the biggest suck on the planet, but also a very powerful healer himself. I was born in Newfoundland - adopted at 5 months old, but grew up in Edmonton, Alberta. I moved to Toronto when I was 23 years old, where I got into Reiki, got tired of the TO scene 3 years ago, and then moved here, to Calgary. I absolutely LOVE being this close to the mountains. It gives me so much pleasure to look west and see those glourious peaks, so close you can almost touch them.
I'm also a ski instructor of 17 years, ride a motorbike, am a trained musician - many years of classical voice training, sometimes write songs and poetry, draw, paint (also something I'm incorporating into my psychic work into something I call "spirit paintings"), go camping in the summer, among many, many other things that I love to do. Oh, I've also worked in the film industry in Toronto in a few capacities, and have another aspiration of being able to someday make films (features and documentaries) that all have something to do with spirit and / or healing that the masses would enjoy, not just the new agers of the world.
I'm also a writer. I have been published once, in a book called Indigo Children, by Lee Carroll. (yes, I'm one of those too, if you know what and Indigo is). I wrote a screenplay when I was 16, a stage play when I was 18. Stopped writing for a long time, and have since written 2 other screenplays. No, they haven't been seen on the big screen yet, but someday I hope. One of them hopefully starring Keanu Reeves.
I went to Toronto in April / May of 2004 when His Holiness, The Dalia Lama was there to perform the biggest, and most mind blowing of all the Buddhist rituals, called Kalachakra. That one experience could be a whole blogsite of it's own. Being in the same room (with thousand other people of course) with a man who - what can I say about him that doesn't sound cliche - has changed the face of this planet in the most joyous, compassionate, healing way imaginable. As long as I live, I'll never forget the first day I walked into the trade centre and into the teaching hall. Within seconds of walking into that space, I literally got "hit" with a wave of energy that caused me to break down completely. The love that was in that space was intense. But more about that another time, if anyone is interested. I think I'll end on that note, as I think I need to call the pizza place to find out where my order is. It should have been here already and I'm hungry.
I really, truly hope everyone enjoys this blog. I think this could be an interesting ride. Come and join me and we'll see where this goes!
Morgana Sacred Walker