We're now offering a "deal of the day" on our brand new Groupon.com store. Here's our newest deal:
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Angel of the Month for September ~ Persistence ~
The deck that I've used this month was the Ascended Masters Oracle deck, by Doreen Virtue.
This month's Angel card is a nice progression from last month, as it spoke of Reward for all of the hard work, and that things are moving forward according to the Divine Plan.
Persistence speaks of sticking to your guns and through persistent action and thought, your dreams are beginning to manifest into form. The Angel's tell me that even though you may not be able to see the physical manifestion just yet, that keep to what your guidance has been telling you, and you will begin to see things come into being, if you haven't already.
They tell me that many of us are about to hit THE major breakthrough that we have been waiting for, personally and on a larger scale.
They also remind me that this is also the time that some of the biggest challenges may come up for you, as your comfort zone begins to be challenged.These challenges are not in front of you to deter you from your goals and dreams. Much the opposite. They are there to further teach you what you still have remaining to heal and cleanse, so that you may move into your ultimate life purpose that will fill you with joy and a deep sense of fulfillment.
Now is the time to increase the intensity of that which you have been focused on manifesting. You will not break though these self imposed barriers without effort, focus, desire and passion. The Angels ask you to trust where you are, and where they are leading you, as it is only down the path of the Divine, where you will connect with the full potentiality of who you are at the core of your being. Only then, will your dreams become visible in the physical world.
Once you have "punched through" your beliefs of limitation, lack and fear, the veil will lift and you will have a clear view from which to survey the landscape of what you have created. You will then be able to see that everything that you have wanted, is now at your feet, waiting for you to join the celebration. They tell me that it will be as though you have come home to find the greatest reunion ever held, and you are the guest of honour.
Everything will begin to make sense to you - all of the difficult paths you have chosen for yourself, all of the experiences and people you have met along the way, have shaped you into the amazing being that you are now. These experiences have paved the way for you to be able to manifest your biggest and brightest dreams.
Enjoy this process, for you only get to experience it once. After that, it is simply a memory. Savor these moments, even the ones that don't feel as comfortable and joyous, for they provide the juice that flavours your life. Just keep doing what you're doing, and taking those baby steps, and soon enough, you will have arrived, and the party can begin!
Love, Light and Laughter,
The Angels
The Angels
Upcoming Classes...
Reiki is a Japanese form of energy therapy, which helps to stimulate and balance physical, mental, emotional and energetic systems. Benefits include relaxation, pain relief, rejuvenation, better sleep, clarity, focus, and inner peace. Reiki can also be used as a tool for self-discovery & transformation.
Reiki Level 1
Four course dates available for Calgary classes
Date: September 26 and October 3, 2010 (2 Sundays) (only 1 spot left)
Time: 9:45am to 5pm (both days)
Investment: $200
Location: Calgary - Please call for details Please note: All students MUST attend both days to be certified
Date: January 28-30, March 11-13 and April 22-24, 2011
Time: Fri - 7pm-10pm
Sat/Sun: 9:45am to 5pm
Investment: $200
Location: Calgary - Please call for details
Reiki Level 2
Three course dates available for Calgary classes
Date: October 30-31 (only 3 spots left), March 26-27 and May 21-22 (2011)
Time: 10am to 5pm (both days)
Investment: $222
Location:Calgary - Please call for details
AngelSong Workshops...
Working with your Angels can illuminate your life with love, abundance and peaceful energy. You will leave with a sense that you are never alone, and that you are unconditionally loved and supported by these powerful beings. This 2.5 day intensive workshop is designed to be an introduction to working with the Angelic realm for personal; planetary healing & transformation. We start the course by learning about the Angels, who they are and what they do. We then move into learning how to develop your intuitive abilities and how to communicate with your angels, guides and higher self. You will learn how to do Angel readings via Angel cards, channeling, psychometry, dowsing, and more. You will also learn a few important and easy self healing tools that will help you to keep your energy clear, grounded and focused.
Three course dates available for Calgary classes
Date: December 3-5, (2010) February 18-20 and April 30-May 1 (2011)
Time: Fri - 7-9:30pm, Sat/Sun - 9:45am to 5pm Investment: $277
Location: Calgary - Please call for details
Space is limited for these classes, so sign up now!
To register, please call (403) 828-7395
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Check out this website
FOUR YEARS. GO. is a campaign to shift the current trends of humanity by 2014 so that we will be headed on a path toward an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling future on this planet.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Totem Animal of the Month ~ HERON ~
Herons stand silently in shallow water patiently studying fish, frogs, and crayfish movements. In one quick movement herons plunge their heads into the water and catch their prey. These birds will resolutely defend their feeding territories from other herons.
These birds are opportunist eaters who'll eat practically anything small enough to swallow. When nesting, herons create crude nests in trees out of sticks. If the nest doesn't collapse in winter, they'll reuse the same nest only making necessary repairs.
Heron's slow, deliberate manner produces a ceremonial aura and displays the harmonious natural flow of being ourselves.
These birds are opportunist eaters who'll eat practically anything small enough to swallow. When nesting, herons create crude nests in trees out of sticks. If the nest doesn't collapse in winter, they'll reuse the same nest only making necessary repairs. Heron's slow, deliberate manner produces a ceremonial aura and displays the harmonious natural flow of being ourselves.
Heron teaches us how to become comfortable in uncertain situations where we need to watch for an opportunity to arise and quickly grasp it. It calls us to take courage and follow our true path, which will be discovered through exploring our inner selves, and finding what draws us to action.
As with the Angel of the Month, the message from the animal kingdom is quite appropriate. What this is telling me based on the energies at the moment, and the message from the angels, is that by being patient and still, we will be able to calmly and deliberately catch the opportunies as the arise to the surface.
We have been waiting patiently and planting our seeds. As long as we stand still until the right moment comes, which we will know it without question when it comes, providing that we are in our stillness. We then will be able to do exactly as the Heron does and grab the opportunty with all of our soul and take flight with it.
That moment is nearly upon us, but if we make our move even a moment too soon or too late, we will miss it and have to try again. Have no fear though, because more opportunities will come, and once we've had more practice, that moment will come for us to take that leap of faith and fly.
The Angels and the energy of the Heron say that we cannot fail in this process, whether your goal is personal & spiritual growth, improving your health, to find your soulmate, or to find your life purpose and live successfully in that purpose.
We have all come so far, and have laid the groundwork for this inevitable success. Enjoy it. You deserve it!
Heron teaches us how to become comfortable in uncertain situations where we need to watch for an opportunity to arise and quickly grasp it. It calls us to take courage and follow our true path, which will be discovered through exploring our inner selves, and finding what draws us to action.
As with the Angel of the Month, the message from the animal kingdom is quite appropriate. What this is telling me based on the energies at the moment, and the message from the angels, is that by being patient and still, we will be able to calmly and deliberately catch the opportunies as the arise to the surface.
We have been waiting patiently and planting our seeds. As long as we stand still until the right moment comes, which we will know it without question when it comes, providing that we are in our stillness. We then will be able to do exactly as the Heron does and grab the opportunty with all of our soul and take flight with it.
That moment is nearly upon us, but if we make our move even a moment too soon or too late, we will miss it and have to try again. Have no fear though, because more opportunities will come, and once we've had more practice, that moment will come for us to take that leap of faith and fly.
The Angels and the energy of the Heron say that we cannot fail in this process, whether your goal is personal & spiritual growth, improving your health, to find your soulmate, or to find your life purpose and live successfully in that purpose.
We have all come so far, and have laid the groundwork for this inevitable success. Enjoy it. You deserve it!
Come join us for All Things Latino!
Thunderbird Sky will be at Expo Latino 2010!

If you love latin music, dancing, exotic shops, and food, then this is your show - all of which are well worth the trip down to Prince's Island Park. This is the Latino version of a Folk Festival, with multiple stages where you can listen to music or even learn to Salsa dance. There is also an arts market where there are products from a multitude of Latino cultural vendors from all over the world. And of course, we will be there, offering up some "zen" time to anyone who needs to chill out over the weekend, or needs relief from too much dancing.
Date: August 27-29
Times: Friday: 6pm - 10pm, Saturday: 11am - 11pm, Sunday:11am - 8pm
Location: Prince's Island Park, Calgary
Booth #: B10
Admission: $15 in advance for a weekend pass, or $10 / day at the gate
Purchase tickets from any Co-op Store
Times: Friday: 6pm - 10pm, Saturday: 11am - 11pm, Sunday:11am - 8pm
Location: Prince's Island Park, Calgary
Booth #: B10
Admission: $15 in advance for a weekend pass, or $10 / day at the gate
Purchase tickets from any Co-op Store
For more info about Expo Latino
Thunderbird Sky at the Calgary International Reggae Fest!
Calgary's ReggaeFest isn't just for Reggae fans. It's a full day family event that transcends racial, cultural and musical boundaries. With live performances from international Reggae artistes, ReggaeFest features a beer garden, separate youth area, and plenty of arts & crafts. Or get a taste of Reggae culture from the many food vendors. ReggaeFest happens the third Saturday in August each year.
Date: Saturday, August 21
Time : 11am to 11pm
Location : Shaw Millenium Park (next to the Telus World of Science)
Time : 11am to 11pm
Location : Shaw Millenium Park (next to the Telus World of Science)
Our Booth #: 15
Admission : $30 in advance or $40 at the gate
Admission : $30 in advance or $40 at the gate
To purchase tickets: online, or from any Co-op Store
For more info about Reggae Fest 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Angel of the Month for August
This month I used Doreen Virtue's "Saints & Angels" Oracle deck.
In the past few months, with the Harmonic Cosmo-Genesis (or what's also become known as the second Harmonic Convergence), Summer Solstice happening at about the same time as Lunar eclipse, and a seven planet Grand Cross, a tremedous amount of energy has been shaken loose.All of these shifts in energy have to do with cleaning out our proverbial (and literal) closets of all of the old that no longer serves our highest good. All that cannot move through this time of transformation as we move closer to 2012.
Most of us have been experience upheaval, the old ways of being, doing and thinking are being forced to the light, to be transmuted into Divine Infinite Love. As a result, we may be now moving into a place of rest and a forced slowing down so that we can integrate from the change that has taken place.With the Reward card that has been pulled, the immediate message that I received from the Angels, is that we will soon be entering into a phase where we will begin to reap the rewards for all of the hard and dilligent work that we've been doing,
Most of us have been experience upheaval, the old ways of being, doing and thinking are being forced to the light, to be transmuted into Divine Infinite Love. As a result, we may be now moving into a place of rest and a forced slowing down so that we can integrate from the change that has taken place.With the Reward card that has been pulled, the immediate message that I received from the Angels, is that we will soon be entering into a phase where we will begin to reap the rewards for all of the hard and dilligent work that we've been doing,
outwardly and inwardly.
The Angels say that this reward is long due, and it is our time to celebrate what we've done and all that we have moved through and past, as we head toward the light.Those of you who have been pursuing a life purpose in healing and transformational work, will now be given new opportunities for growth and expansion in these pursuits, eventually allowing us to release the jobs and professions that no longer serve this higher purpose. The Angels tell me that now is the time for us to shine our light in ways that we haven't been able to in a way that's not only financially sustainable, but will allow us to thrive, and consequently, be able to show others how to do the same.
Those who are not currently in the healing & transformational arts as a profession, may start to feel a call to move in that direction. The next few months will provide opportunities to pursue that call with less resistance that we've experienced in the past. And with many of already well on that path, we can be the wayshowers for those who are just beginning.
This promises to be a very exciting time, providing that we allow ourselves to go with the flow with the least amount of resistance we can muster up. We're also being reminded by the Angels, that even though we are going to be busier than ever, that we need to take care of ourselves more than ever. They tell me that
because of the demand on our time, energy, light and services, we may be tempted to do more than we can handle, because our souls are calling so strongly to be of service.
because of the demand on our time, energy, light and services, we may be tempted to do more than we can handle, because our souls are calling so strongly to be of service.
The Angels remind us that in order for us to be truly and fully of service, that we also need to rest, eat healthy (preferably organic) foods, get plenty of rest and physical exercise, meditate regularly and practice self care daily. They also tell me that we will need to exercise our boundaries, as more people find their way to us for guidance and healing.
Our time we begin to be in more demand, which will require us to say "no" occasionally. This is where networking with other practitioners and teachers will come in handy. As our own schedules fill up, we may need to refer people to others to help take up the slack, so that we don't burn ourselves out. The Angels say that there is little that is worse that a burned out Lightworker who can't be of service. We must remember to take really good care of ourselves, starting now. If we've neglected to do these things, we need to get started now, so that when the influx begins, we will have already created a new habit and will greatly lessen (if not, eliminate it) the risk of burn out.
Before that influx begins, the Angels mostly are asking us to enjoy the little bit of down time (if you're getting that at the moment) and rest while you can, so that you will be ready. Many lightworkers are already experiencing that influx, and it won't be long before the rest of us are in the same place. Keep your eyes out for new opportunties for plans and projects long awaited coming into fruition, as this is a time for that to begin to happen.
These opportunities are coming your way a reward for the work we've all done, so when you can, try not to hesitate too much. It may feel as though you are leaping a great chasm and taking the biggest leap of faith you've ever done. Just know that when those opportunities cross your path, it's because you ARE READY and have all of the tools, skills and abilities to sprout your wings and take flight! (To Infinity...and Beyond!) Most of all, the Angels are saying be in Joy, Love, Laughter, and always, always, always...
Image: "Enlighten" - Angels By Sharae
You can never go wrong!
Love, Light and Laughter,
The Angels
The Angels
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Transform Your Life with Angelic Healing
Is something getting in your way of living your life to
it's fullest potential, but you're not sure what it is?
Do you have areas in your life that you
wish to move forward from?
Do you wish to bring more love, grace,
peace and balance into your life?
Candice and Danard have now been certified as Angelic Awakeningtm Practitioners and are now taking clients for Angelic healing sessions.
What Is Angelic Healing?
Sometimes a simple reading isn’t enough, as you may have beliefs, thoughts or experiences blocking you from moving forward and fulfilling your purpose. Angelic Healing will help you release & clear these issues.
The Angels are very loving, powerful beings who excitedly wait for us to invite them into our lives. You can ask our Angels for healing in any area of your life.No task is too big or too small.
In a session, we connect to and communicate with your invoking the assistance of the Angels, Archangels, Fairies and Spirit Guides, as well as relaying any guidance and messages they may have for you.
A typical session will last between 60 to 90 minute. During your session, we will check in with the Angels to find out what will be the most appropriate techniques to use for your session. Please come with questions and / or an area of most importance that you wish to work on.
Because healing is about making lasting changes in your life, you will usually be given “homework” to use on a daily bases to continue your healing process between sessions.
Session may consist of a variety of information and tools, including:
Angel card reading, past life reading & clearing, aura cleanse, chakra cleanse & balance, karmic balancing, cellular memory clearing, dowsing, cord clearing & releasing, closing of Akashic records and more.
Angelic Healing Limited Time Special
To celebrate, we are offering some specials:
Single Session: $100 for 90 min. (save $50)
3 Sessions: $222 (save $78)
5 Sessions: $355 (save $145)
10 Sessions: $722 (save $278)
These prices will only be available to the first ten clients who call to purchase a session or package, then they will be gone forever!
Packages must be paid for in full at the time of the first session to receive the discount.
Don't live in the Calgary area? No problem.
Phone sessions are just as powerful as in person sessions,
Phone sessions are just as powerful as in person sessions,
so don't let distance be what stops you from calling us!
Call (403) 828-7395 Today, to book your appointment!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
The Calling Workshop...aka: what the %^$# am I doing with my life ?!
Is this for you? Let's see...
Perhaps you are a person with lots of talents, interests, and passions, but you just can't figure out how to put 'em all together.
Maybe you have a job or business you really don't care for anymore. You feel there is more to life, that you'd like to work at something meaningful, maybe work for yourself, help others, have a better lifestyle, but you just can't figure out what you should be doing.
You know you are creative, independent, and would prefer to make your living doing your 'own thing' if you could just figure out what...!
Do you ever get that 'panic' of feeling time is ticking along, and you still haven't figured out what the heck you're supposed to be doing with your life? This can be a very unpleasant experience - I know first hand what it felt like, and I'm sure glad I don't feel it any more!
There is hope!
There are 5 steps to getting on track. The problem when it comes to work direction, as I see it: most people are looking for a noun, such as electrician, Reiki Master, consultant. But your calling will not be a noun. It will be more like a verb... It is not a destination but a way of living that you are really craving. You can be an electrician not living your calling, or an electrician living your calling - and I'll tell you about a friend of mine that made that very shift, and made a big contribution to a community doing it...
What is more important than choosing the work itself? Maybe the beautiful feeling that:
✓ your life has more and more juicy meaning all the time -
✓ the feeling that you've made a contribution to the world and enjoyed the heck out of doing it -
✓ that you've seen your dreams coming true, felt the love of friends and family -
✓ you are able to continually explore and express your interests & your gifts in making a good living. -
✓ you uplift and inspire others, your lifestyle has equal measures of excitement and space, and life evolves right along with you - no more being stuck.
What you will learn on the workshop:
In our evening, you will learn the 5 building blocks of the Calling Formula! I call them JRs - Juicy Realizations - and once you understand their importance in your life, I think you'll wonder how you ever left them out of your work direction decisions in the past! Funny enough - only one of these JRs has to do with your work and income! You will learn how to start making work decisions that are not only more successful and meaningful, but will enhance the other aspects of your fulfilling life - and THEN you start to feel you're on the right track!
You can start now: Remember how I said your Calling is not a destination, but a way of living? That means you can start living your Calling right away! No more waiting... By the end of the Workshop, you will have generated at least one action in each of the 5 JRs, which will give you the feeling of being on track. The good news is that you don't have to know the future then, you just have to be able to choose the next steps! Then it's just a matter of following your heart right into a new way of being, and isn't that ultimately what we want... to follow our hearts, and succeed doing it?
I will also be sharing several stories of amazing work direction moves that clients and acquaintances have taken, and how some of them were figured out in less than an hour and have enhanced their lives greatly... let these folks' stories help open your mind about 'what you do for a living' and how great things are often right in front of us all the time - we just hadn't put the pieces together!
Workshop Details:
✓ Duration: The Calling Workshop is a live workshop 3 hours in length with a short break in the middle. (Online version on its way - ask me!) -
✓ Price: $37 all in -
✓ Facilitator: Alex Baisley, founder of the Big Dream Program and creator of the Calling Workshop -
✓ Registration: places are always limited to the size of our venue. Although you would be welcome last minute, it is very important that you register for the workshop you want to ensure we’ve got your spot for you!
Date: Tuesday, July 27
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: Parkland Community Centre
Address: 14660 Parkland Blvd S.E., Calgary, AB
Preregistration REQUIRED as we only have so much space.Please send a message to organizer Alex Baisley at alex@BigDreamProgram.com
RSVPing is GREAT, but we also need you to register by email, ok!
Hope to see you there!
~Alex Baisley
Chief Life-Renegade at the Big Dream program ;)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Angelic Awakenings Practitioner Course in Calgary
Learn how to work with Angel Oracle cards, (you get your own deck to take home with you). Work with the Archangels and Elementals to learn clearing and balancing techniques you can use for you and your family. This is a very hands on, interactive experience, learning techniques, then immediately practicing them, with my assistance.
You will learn the basics of working with chanting, color, crystals, chakras, pendlums and the Angels. Past Lives & the Angels as a tool for change - theory & regression. Guided journey to experience your Power Animal. The power of intent and how and why it is so important to raise your vibration. Also includes a discussion of the shifting energies of our time (2012).
You will receive certification as an Angelic Awakening Practitioner. Week will also include an evaluation day which will include card reading, energy clearing, past life work, guided meditation, and dowsing. Active practitioners can be listed on my online referral list.
Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Location: Calgary, AB - Please call for details
Tuition: $888
For more info, please contact Bonnie at (306) 530-0289.
The course material covered in this course is exactly what you would learn if you took the same course with Doreen Virtue and her acclaimed, "Angel Therapy Practitioner" ® course.
In addition to the Doreen Virtue training, Bonnie has added a lot of great topics that Doreen doesn't teach. So what you are getting is the Angel Therapy® training, plus a whole lot more, at a fraction of the cost.
Bonnie asked me to mention that she will be dramatically increasing the tuition for the course before the fall, so if you want to get it at this price, do it now or you'll end up likely paying double later on.
Only 1 or 2 spots left, so if you are planning on signing up, do it in the next day or so, or you will miss out on an amazing course!
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