No warning, no notice...
I just happened to click on our bloglink from the Thunderbird Sky website to update that blog, and there was this unhappy notice that Blogcharm was being shut down. The real pisser was that the date they listed as being the shut down date hadn't come yet. So, I should have been able to go into my account, and save all of my journal entries, so I could transfer them back over to here.
But no...that would have entailed far too much integrity and consideration for the loyal Blogcharm users.
Needless to say, I was extremely unhappy with this turn of events. There wasn't even any contact info where we could find out if we could retrieve our data so we could have it on file. The worst part of the whole scenario, was that they didn't even have any consideration to send out a general notice before the site went down, so that we could save our files. Just, "POOF", they're gone. ARGH!!!!!
So, to you the faithful blogger out in blogland. Should Blogcharm ever return onto the scene...I heed you this warning...DO NOT USE THEM!!!! That, and regularly back up your blog posts if you don't want to lose them.
Just another Buddhist lesson on impermanence, I guess. Sigh...

Onward and Upward, as they say...
More to come...
Love, Light and Giggles,
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