Article ~ All About Crystals ~ Part1
Crystals can be a very beneficial part of your health
and well-being and can be used in various ways in healing. There are so
many benefits of crystals and in these two articles we will hopefully
give you a little information to get you started on the right path with
The very best way to choose the right crystal for you is
to let your intuition guide you. If you feel really drawn to one piece
then that is definitely the one for you!
Crystals are energy and as we are also energy our
energies will communicate with each other... as they sense what you need
in your life they will draw you to the crystals and gems that are what
you need.
When you sense a strong desire for a particular stone
and buy it and then later look in a book to see it's meanings you will
be amazed at the significance to your life that this particular stone
Recently a client of mine was saying that she only liked
one particular stone and even though there were stones of similar
colour she didn't like them but just liked the one. So we went over what
the healing properties of that particular stone were and she started to
cry. Every aspect of that stone was just what she needed in her life. I
have seen this as a common thread in how people choose their stones.
I often recommend that when people walk into a
crystal/stone shop that before they look for stones that they just ask,
"Which ever stone wishes or needs to come home with me please show me",
and they will draw you to them.
Also if you are wanting to purchase something for a
friend and not sure what is best this is a good way to choose the stones
for them as well. "Which stone needs to go to (name your friend)?" You
will invariably find the stones that are just right for them even more
so than you could ever imagine.
You can also find the stones that will help with
particular problems or issues and then within the list of stones, which
will help with that, which one draws you to it? But the right stones
will always connect with your energies and draw you to them.
The stones that you are drawn to today will not
necessarily be the same ones that will draw you tomorrow... it is all
about what is going on in your life and body that will be communicating
with the stones and building that connection between you and the stone.
We all have our own life/energy force, and we have energy points called chakras.
We have seven major chakras, each has a specific
function, when we're tired, stressed, unwell or depressed our chakras
can slow down or even stop working (which really isn't that uncommon in
the stressful society that we are a part of). Crystals are used by
healers to help realign chakras, they can assist the healing process,
and can be programmed for particular jobs.
Crystals have their own frequency/energy.
Rose Quartz is a specific nurturing energy, a
mother/love stone. If when you feel down you were to hold a cleansed
Rose Quartz you will begin to harmonize with the frequency of the
crystal, and absorb the feelings (frequency) of love and care into your
The many frequencies of the various stones/crystals will
connect with you at different time. As you have a certain needs in your
body, whether it is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual… your
frequency need at that moment connects with the frequency of the stone
that you need to have. If you listen to this intuition than you will
find the healing, and benefits for yourself.
Why do some people not notice or find that the stones/crystals affect them at all?
It seems that the more blocked a person is in their
chakras the less the sense theirown frequency.The less in tune they are
to the frequencies around them. Their sensitivities are lessened and
they cannot “feel” what is around them or in them. So they do not notice
the affects of the crystals on them. It doesn’t mean that the affects
are not there but they don’t notice them.
Another reason why some people are affected while others
are not is, if you have a high tolerance to the frequencies you may not
notice the subtle energies as easily. But if you are highly sensitive
then the slightest frequency change will affect you.
For example if someone is around very powerful stones all the time…
Over time they build a connection with them and although
they may notice the benefits of those stones they may not “feel” their
affects. But someone coming in contact with the same stone may suddenly
become ill because they are extremely sensitive to that change of
frequency. So until their body adjusts to that frequency they are unable
to tolerate that stone for any extended length of time.
Remember that all crystals, gems, stones are alive and
have an inherent intelligence. They need to be treated with tender and
loving kindness and with respect and gratitude. Together with your
energies they will help you be the most you could be … what you were
created to be.
copyright nia delafleur september 2012
This article is the property of Thunderbird Sky.
No portion of this article may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without the prior written
permission from the the author.
This article is the property of Thunderbird Sky.
No portion of this article may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without the prior written
permission from the the author.
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