The planet is changing drastically as we move faster and faster towards 2012 and what is known as the Shift of the Ages. Consequently, there is far more intensity of all the emotions than ever before. Those who wish not to grow and evolve, are going into either fear or control / manipulation mode in order to keep the rest of us from becoming the glorious beings of light that has been prophesized for thousands of years.
We are going through a time of great change and upheaval, but we can choose for it to be a process of adventure, growth, excitement, renewal and joy. Or...we can choose the other option. Whichever method of growth and evolvement that we choose, there will still be those who choose the fear-based method. We are even more susceptible to those negative thoughts and emotions than ever before.
If we decide not to take on the "stuff" of others, we can navigate through the labrynth with grace, ease and beauty. If we happen to pick up and take on other people's fear and negativity, there is a way to clear it out of your system, so that you remain balanced and aligned with Creator.
The following is a wonderful visualization that you can use daily to help clear out anything energy that does not serve your highest good.
Clearing Visualization - Light Shower
This exercise can be done, either by visualizing, or while taking a shower, and is wonderful way to rejuvenate yourself as well as clear any unwanted energy.
1) While in the shower, or imagining you are in the shower, feel the water pour down over your skin. Become acutely aware of how the water feels on your skin, the temperature, taste, etc, and how it makes you feel physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
2) Imagine that the water is not just water, but that it is also droplets of pure, radiant light. Visualize all of the colors of the rainbow, sparkling, opalescent and glowing.
3) Imagine that this light water not only pours over top of your physical body, but it also permeates every cell of your body and energy field.
4) As the light and water falls off your body, and drains from you at the cellular levels, it takes with it, all impurities physical toxins from all of your organs and cells, all thoughts and feelings not do not serve you, and any energy that is not yours and that is not in your highest good.
5) Imagine that the water at your feet or in your tub, which is now flowing down the drain, is taking everything with it that was cleansed from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, right down to the cellular level.
6) Visualize that once the water and light has fully done down the drain, that the impurities and toxins are now healed, and transmuted into light, to be recycled back into the universe.
7) Note how you feel before, during and after this exercise and journal your experiences.
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