
Friday, March 28, 2008

A Few Words on Negative Self Talk

Photo: Emoto Crystalized
Water with the words,
"love and appreciation."

On the same subject as the previous post, I would like to specifically talk about negative self-talk and how it affects us on all levels, including physically.

Before I get into that, I would like to get a bit "scientific", which for me is a stretch since I'm your typical artist type (and I prefer that way, lol...). Some of you may have seen the film, "What the Bleep Do We Know." If you haven't, it's sort of a beginners intro to Quantum Physics as it relates to spirituality, and particulartly, to the Law of Attraction. If you haven't already seen, go buy it or at least rent it. It's well worth taking a look.

One of the talks in the film is about Japanese scientist and doctor of alternative medicine by the name of Masaru Emoto, whom you may have already heard of. If you already know about him, bear with me while I give some background to those who have not.
Masaru began to do research on the affects that words and emotions have on water. Through his research he found out that it was when water was in a frozen crystal from, it revealed its true nature. He began to do experiments with water of all types where he would have a drop of water on a slide, with words or phrases typed onto the slide. He would then freeze this water until took on a crystalline form. His conclusions were amazing and something out of science fiction...

When he placed the water next to positive words, the water would form beautiful and intricate designs, but when negative ones were placed, the formations were very ugly and distorted. This result happened over and over again.
Keep in mind, that these were just words typed on paper, placed next to the water. Pretty inoculous one might think. Just by having a piece of paper, which holds no energy of emotion, we can change the structure of water. big deal right? WRONG!!

A Water crystal imprinted
withthe energy of a Dolphin.
Now you add to that, the power of placing an emotion behind those words. Add to that again, the fact that we are made up of 80% water and the fact that we are constantly being bombarded with negative images, words, thoughts from every direction possible (especially in our own minds). Not to mention, the fact that our thoughts, feelings, actions and words are highly contagious...

Water with the words,
"You make me sick, I want
to kill you." do the math.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why we live in such in unhappy and out of balance world.
A great deal of research has been done since these initial experiments, and there have been some incredible realizations that have come from it. Namely the diseases that have nearly taken over the world at an alarming rate, namely cancer. Western medicine already knows that stress causes most illesses. Literally we, as a society, are killing ourselves with negative thinking.

Here are a few more of Emoto's photos of how different types of words affected the water crystals for you to ponder as you're reading.

a crystal after it has been
prayed upon
Now...there's no hard scientific proof of this next idea, but if our thoughts and emotions have the kind of power to change our own water / crystalline natures, in the way that the water changed in Emoto's experiements, what do you think those same thoughts will affect our own bodies? All I can say is, "OUCH!" No wonder cancer is the leading cause of death in North America.

Ponder this for a moment...imagine the result of years of some of that harshness and cruetly that we place on our own selves, much less what other think and say about us...add to that the violence in the media and even in our own back yards. Well...It seems to me that its a miracle that we haven't wiped ourselves out completely by now, and doesn't surprise me in the least, that cancer is one of the biggest killers of our time, and getting worse.

Having said that, going back to the previous post and the idea that for every single positive thought, there's 10,000 negative ones that are neutralized...there is hope in all of this! Which makes the challenge I put out there in the last post even more critical. If we all spend some time consciously changing the way we thing, speak, feel and act, this alone, can change the world. If you don't believe me, just try the challenge for a day and see what y0u think...

Water exposed to Heavy
Metal music.

The point is...let's get this message out there in a big way, "When you change your thoughts (and emotions), you change your reality." LITERALLY!!! So, let's change our reality for the better starting NOW!!

Just some food for thought!!!

"Thank You"

Love, Light and Giggles,

A New Way of Thinking?!?

You know...I've really got to get more on top of blogging more here and give all of you guys a reason to visit lots and lots!

I'd like to chat a bit today about some of the things that have been going on in Tibet recently in the days and months leading up the the Olympics in Bejing. I'm sure you've all heard about the power struggle that is really coming to a head as a result of 50 years of Chinese occupation in Tibet. There has been a lot of violence, much of it being reported inaccurately, if at all. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama has been pleading with his people who are still in Tibet, to continue to practice non-violence to deal with this difficult situation. His pleads seem to be, unfortunately, falling on more or less, deaf ears. The Tibetan communities in Tibet are fed up with the treatment they they have been subject to since the beginning of the cultural revolotion in the late 50's.

This situation in Tibet and China has the whole world in an uproar. What I find most interesting about this is the fact that it has taken an event like this for the world to finally take a real notice of what has been going on for nearly 5o years. I only hope that the leaders of the world start to realize that something needs to be done about the situation, in some kind of reasonable and diplomatic manner.

It can often lead the rest of us though, to feel a little helpless to be able to help in any way, from the other side of the planet. But in my opinion, I think we can all make a difference. Not only for this situation, but for the many other countries, cultures and races who have, or are currently experiencing a similar fate. The best and most important wayany of us can contribute in a positive manner is to not contribute with feelings of anger, resentment or hostility. Not only towards the Chinese, but just in general.

Anytime that we engage in any kind of negative thinking (or for that matter, simple complaining), even if it is about the really small stuff going on in our own individual lives, we feed into the greater consciousness of that same kind of thinking. By doing this, we not only add to this mass consciousness which seems to have kind of taken over, but we exponentially make it worse.

Our thoughts are so incredibly powerful, that even having one single negative thought, that goes out into the ether and spreads like wildfire. Complaining does the same thing. It puts you into negative frame of mind, which in turn, affects your mood, which affects your day and how you deal with situations and people, which can put others into that same mood. Have you ever noticed that when you wake up in a good mood, but something happens like you stub your toe, that you end up spiraling downhill really fast?

So instead, how about spreading a smile and a good sense of humour instead, because without humour, well...I don't even care to think about that, so I won't put anymore energy there, hehe.

One really interesting fact, and some really great news in all of this, is that for every single positive, loving, joyous thought or feeling, it cancels out 10,000 negative ones.

So...with that in mind, it wouldn't take very many of us, to send loving thoughts to the oppressors AND victims (we've ALL been on both sides of that coin...) of the world, for it to completely counteract all of the negativity they put into the world.

How powerful is that? Even just having gratitude for the wonderful things that you DO have in your life. We've all heard about the Law of Attraction by now. Whatever it is you are focusing on, even if its about what you don't want, that's what you get more of. Thoughs become things...and the closer we get to 2012, the faster our thoughts are manifesting.

So...I'm putting it out there as a challenge to all of you who may be reading this (myself included), is to stop the negative talk, thoughts, complaining, etc. There's a website out there ( who's message is to challenge yourself to stop complaining for 21 days, which I recommend trying.

But...because most of us have such a bad habit of this, I suggest trying it for a day first...and if necessary, just for an hour. That might be a big enough challenge to start with for some of us. Once you've been successful with an hour, then try two hours, then three, etc. Let's all see how long we can go without one complaint, or negative thought, word or action. Once you've got the hang of not complaining and having negative thoughts, is to replace those with thoughts and words of kindness and love. Not just towards others, but (this is often the most difficult challenge) towards own selves. We don't realize how much we beat ourselves up, until you become aware that we do. We are most often, infitesimally much harder and meaner to ourselves that we would ever be to those around us, even our worst enemies.

Wow...that's a realization and a half!

I don't know if anyone will read this, but if so, I'll be right there along with you as this has been a major challenge for me. Please post comments or questions, of if you're just having difficulty with the challenge and are in need of some support. Maybe together we create a new world made up of happy, joyous people!

In the meantime, I send all of you love, light and most importantly GIGGLES!